Cherry Tomato: Cerise Seed


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30 Organic Cerise Cherry Tomato Seeds [approx]

Name: Cherry Tomato: Cerise

Latin Name: Solanum lycopersicum

Description: Cherry tomato ‘Cerise’ produces nice sweet tasting tomatoes. The tomatoes weigh about 20 grams. When grown outdoors, they need a sunny, sheltered spot. 

Germination Rate: 99%

Seed Origin: Netherlands

Sowing: March to June

Harvesting: July to October

How To Grow Cerise Cherry Tomatoes From Seed: Cherry Tomato Cerise seeds can be sown in small pots or seedling modules, indoors in early Spring. They can be planted directly outside in pots from April onwards. Plant two seeds in each pot/cell. When the seedlings establish, thin to leave only the strongest one in each cell/pot.

When seedlings get to about 8cm tall, they can be planted into larger pots.

Tomatoes need heat and do best in greenhouses. If growing them outside, put them in a warm sunny area of the garden.

If allowed, this variety will grow tall (up to 2.5m) and it will need to be supported to help the plant grow upwards and bear the fruit.

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg